Jami Oscherwitz, Resin Artist - @resinroxx

Jami Oscherwitz, Resin Artist - @resinroxx - Craft Resin US

Hi everyone, my name is Jami and I own the resin brand @resinroxx. I have been a teacher/private tutor for 25 years and have always been in the arts.


In my early 20s, I was into decoupage and was looking for a high gloss protective coating to protect the work. These frames were being sold at a local boutique and knew they had to look professional. I discovered Envirotex Lite at a local store and figured I’d give it a try. Back then, there wasn’t YouTube or Instagram, so I read the directions and jumped right in. I had no idea about PPE, was working in my apartment and was dealing with resin in my hair and on my hands. It was crazy fun! I then moved into creating jewelry using precious and semiprecious stones. I sold in galleries, art shows and private sales in Chicago and and New York City.



We relocated from Chicago to California 6 years ago and by then, I was into mixed media art. I rediscovered resin when I came across something online. I immediately was intrigued to find out how the medium had changed and knew I had to get my hand on some.



We moved to wine country and the beauty of my surroundings was inspirational. The colors of the sunsets, mountains, foliage and wildlife made me want to create. I didn’t want to paint anymore. I wanted to get messy! I searched the internet about what I had seen regarding resin and placed an order. The more I played, the more I wanted to discover! I quickly learned the importance of relinquishing control. Knowing resin has a mind of it’s own was incredibly liberating!



I can’t say I only love creating one specific type of resin art because I enjoy the challenges and processes involved with different pieces. Functional artworks, geode wall art and floral preservation pieces each satisfy a different element in my artistic journey. Part of me has always craved learning and evolving. I satisfy this internal need by creating more than one specific art form.



Before the pandemic, my kids encouraged me to create an Instagram page. My son believed I needed to get my work seen. I didn’t think anyone would find me or would even be interested in my work. However, my following grew incredibly quickly. It was a natural evolution where people enjoyed watching me create and wanted to purchase my pieces. Companies began to take notice as well, contacting me to try their resin, pigments, molds, etc. and share my thoughts and results. I also started selling locally in vendor markets, which was fun but exhausting. My work has sold to people throughout the continental United States, the Marianna Islands, Hawaii, England and more. 



Working with resin has been an amazing journey. I have witnessed how my art evokes strong feelings in people and that has been incredibly meaningful. Initially, people are drawn to the colors and shapes. Then, comes the tactile element. My resin work appeals to all ages and I appreciate the reactions I get from all. As an artist, I have learned to let go and relinquish control. In a world where so much is mass produced, I remind people that imperfections are critical elements that adds to the uniqueness of every piece. There is no such thing as perfection when it comes to us as people, so why would my work ever be “perfect”. Every artwork is created by my hands alone which includes elements of my imperfections to remind us all to be present for the time we are given.



Resin work is an investment and is an expensive hobby. If you are serious, watch and learn from artists whose work you like. You’d be amazed how many artists share their information for free on social media. There are also great classes offered online. However, you need to do the work. The real learning comes from trying things out and learning from mistakes. Ask questions and make connections through social media. It’s a fantastic community to be part of and you never know what friendships you will make. This is also an arena where you either love it or you don’t. Find what excites and satisfies your creative need and go for it!


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